To submit music for review, please forward your receipt, along with your mp3 or streaming link to Swivel will personally respond with his critique in as much detail as possible, giving you all the information you’ll need to go back and make the necessary adjustments to improve your song.
Unfortunately Swivel will be unable to maintain a continued dialog at the provided email address. If you’d like to get in touch with him directly, please follow Swivel on his various social profiles where he regularly maintains contact with his clients and fans, or use the contact form on
Thank you for your purchase!
To submit music for review, please forward your receipt, along with your mp3 or streaming link to Swivel will personally respond with his critique in as much detail as possible, giving you all the information you’ll need to go back and make the necessary adjustments to improve your song.
Unfortunately Swivel will be unable to maintain a continued dialog at the provided email address. If you’d like to get in touch with him directly, please follow Swivel on his various social profiles where he regularly maintains contact with his clients and fans, or use the contact form on